March 31 – Shining Beauty

“All of us, with no covering on our faces, show the shining-greatness of the Lord as in a mirror. All the time we are being changed to look like Him, with more and more of His shining-greatness. This change is from the Lord Who is the Spirit.” 2 Corinthians 3:18 (NLV)

Have you ever met someone who seemed like they were glowing? Something about them—maybe their smile or their kind spirit—was shining so brightly that it warmed a cold spot in your heart. That kind of joy is hard to find, but when you finally meet someone like that, you can’t help but let their sunshine rub off on you. They have a beauty that makeup and fashion cannot duplicate!

I believe that when our inner beauty begins to shine outwardly, it’s the glory of God bursting from inside of us. It’s the best facelift money can’t buy! The only way to get that infectious glow is to let the Holy Spirit change you. You can’t get it through weight-loss programs or lip injections or spray-on tans. The Lord will change your countenance into His “shining-greatness” as you continue walking with Him day by day.

Here’s what will happen: all that sadness you used to carry is going to turn into huge smiles and twinkling eyes! All that worry that once rested upon your shoulders is going to turn into warm hugs for those who need it. All those awful things you said about others is going to turn into genuine compliments. All that fear and doubt that used to hold you back is going to turn into fearless living!

You see, the more and more we become like Jesus, the more beautiful we become. That’s because we are mirroring Him! It’s not a beauty that can be measured by outward appearances; it’s a beauty that lasts.

 Let God’s glory shine in and outside of you today!

March 30 – Keep Up the Good Work

“And as for you, brothers and sisters, never tire of doing what is good.” 2 Thessalonians 3:13 (NIV)

Raise your hand if you’re hard on yourself.

I expect there are quite a lot of you. Like me, you are perfectionists and the biggest critics of your own work. It doesn’t matter if it’s a finished project at school or the dinner you cooked last night—there is always something to nitpick and find fault in. Nothing ever feels good enough!

I believe we need to change our thinking. We need to be our own cheerleaders instead of our own enemies because if not, we’re going to get tired of giving our best. Why keep doing good if even you can’t appreciate it?

For example, yesterday morning I woke up early and went for a run with my husband. My depression wanted me to stay in bed all day, but I decided to push through it. James and I took the dog and read our morning devotionals on the way to the park. I was so proud of myself for waking up and fighting! However, that pride soon disappeared when I finally hit the trails. I couldn’t stop bashing myself for running so slowly! The whole time I kept thinking, ‘Man, I’m so out of shape. My husband probably wishes he was doing this alone.’ That negativity ruined my peaceful morning, but it shouldn’t have. I was kicking butt!

I know it’s hard to keep doing “good” when there’s no one around to encourage you… not even yourself. I want you to know that even if no one else notices the good you’re doing, God notices. He sees how faithful you’ve been to your job; He sees how kind you’ve been to your partner; He sees you reading your Bible and praying for your family; He sees you getting out of bed even though it’s hard. He sees you trying!

Whatever you are doing for Christ is good, and it’s ENOUGH. Cheer yourself on and keep up the good work!

March 29 – Learning Trust

“May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.” Romans 15:13 (NIV)

Learning how to trust in the Lord is a never-ending lesson. Whether you’ve been a Christian for 30 years or just three months, there is always going to be something that puts your trust to the test. Don’t believe me? Just ask Abraham about the time he went on a little hike with his son, Isaac…

You can’t have real faith if you don’t know how to trust. The more you learn to trust, the better you get at faith and the quicker you conquer all of life’s battles.

I know that trust isn’t a pleasant feeling. It’s total surrender without any immediate pay-off. It’s putting all your cards on the table without any assurance that it’s going to be okay. Trust is the moaning and groaning that takes place as we “let go and let God.”

But here’s the marvelous twist: God gives us hope! Even in the midst of uncertainty. As we learn to trust in Him more and more, joy and peace begin to blossom even in the desert of doubt, suffering, and pain. Our God can make wildflowers grow in dry places!

At the beginning of my walk with Christ, it was hard for me to even trust God in the small things. I could barely trust Him to find me a job! But as I continued to mature and walk through the fiery trials of life, my trust and hope began to grow exponentially! When something BIG came along that really tested my faith, I found myself finding hope on the other side of my pain. That is the power of the Holy Spirit.

Learning to trust in God takes time, but the good thing is you’ll get lots of practice throughout your walk. Although life has its many troubles, the God of hope will always be there to give you joy and peace through it all. Amen!

March 28 – Nothing to Fear

“When I am afraid, I put my trust in you.” Psalm 56:3 (NIV)

Something spectacular happens when you let go of fear and hand it over to God—you get the peace and strength to move forward! Fear no longer becomes a roadblock, but instead, a reminder that the God you serve is bigger and stronger than anything that comes your way.

Before sitting down to write this devotional, I started to feel fear creeping in. At first, it was subtle… a worried thought here and a worried thought there. Nothing alarming. But then, like tiny seeds in fresh soil, their roots began to spread. This is how fear and dread take over our minds; they start small and continue to grow and grow as we feed them.

Tomorrow, I have a doctor’s appointment that I’m not looking forward to. It’s nothing serious, and I’m definitely being dramatic about it, but my carnal mind still wants to worry about every single detail. It wants to worry about the discomfort I’m going to feel, and the outcome of the procedure, and all the “what ifs” that I can’t answer just yet.

Fear can grow wildly out of proportion if we let it, and my fear wants me to stay up all night thinking and researching and overanalyzing. But my spirit doesn’t want that! My spirit wants rest! So, I need to make a choice right now. Do I give into the fear (like the enemy wants), or do I exchange it for God’s peace? The answer is simple, I think. Just trust in the Lord.

If you’re like me right now, dreading about something in your near future, I want you to know that God is mighty. He’s going to take care of you. He’s going to solve every problem and smooth out every detail. He’s going to make a way for you. Romans 8:31 says, “If God is for us, who can be against us?”

My friends, you have nothing to fear today. God is with you.

March 27 – Life of Abundance

“The thief comes only in order to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have and enjoy life, and have it in abundance [to the full, till it overflows].” John 10:10 (AMP)

Jesus wants us to have a good life! One that is enjoyable and abundant. Not necessarily abundant in money and material things, but in peace, happiness, and love. Many people believe that Christianity is all about rules and restrictions, or about slavery to an unseen, unkind god. But that’s not true. When Jesus came to earth, His mission was clear. He came so that WE (sinners) could have a good life, a life of freedom. Freedom from burdens and worries and all the sin that keeps us from Godly living.

His salvation and grace are what allow us to live a life of abundance!

Unfortunately, not everyone chooses this path. Some prefer to serve an entirely different god. However, this other god isn’t pure or holy at all; he’s a thief. He comes to steal, kill, and destroy. His motives are not to give us freedom, but rather, to deceive us. He deceives us by disguising slavery as a life of pleasure. His mission is to make you think you can be your own god. And when he’s finally got you fooled, it’s already too late.

Whatever life you think you can have apart from Christ, I want you to know it’s only temporary. Sure, you can live without any fear or respect for your Creator, but is it really worth it? Is all that pleasure and carelessness and selfishness worth it? Will it be worth it in the end?

The life Jesus offers us is one that is everlasting. Not only that, but it’s a life of hope, of peace, of destiny, of holiness, and of doing good for others. I would rather serve a God who is for me than a “god” who wants to destroy me.

What about you? What kind of life do you want?

March 26 – Restored to the Joy of Salvation

“Create in me a pure heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me. Do not cast me from your presence or take your Holy Spirit from me. Restore to me the joy of your salvation and grant me a willing spirit, to sustain me.” Psalm 5110-12 (NIV)

The first time I accepted Jesus into my heart, there was a rush of joy. I had never felt anything like it! Happiness washed over me, peace filled my soul, and a supernatural hope began to take over my spirit. Life seemed full of possibility again, like I had just received a second chance!

If you’ve been walking with God for a long time, you know that feeling doesn’t last long. The honeymoon stage ends as soon as hardships, temptation, and trouble show up. Then you begin to realize that serving the Lord isn’t always easy. Sometimes it’s really hard!

This Psalm from David is a reminder that we need to be renewed daily. Renewed means to “re-establish a connection or relationship.” We need to care for our relationship with Christ, like a gardener who waters his plants daily. Our relationship needs to be fed!

Too much time and distance from our Creator can be detrimental to us. I know that when I’m not near to God, it’s easier to sin, it’s easier to doubt, and it’s easier to forget why He’s worth it. Too much time away from God makes me feel like I’ve lost all love and passion for Him. Salvation becomes less and less important. That’s why it’s so crucial that we pray for a “pure heart” and a “steadfast spirit” daily!

A pure heart makes us long for Jesus, and a steadfast spirit helps us remain loyal to Him in good times and in bad. If we have both of those things, God’s presence will never be far from us!

Sometimes, all we need to do is spark the flame of love again. We can do that by asking the Lord to restore us. Then, and only then, will we remember what the joy of salvation feels like.

March 25 – Prophet of Dry Bones


“Tell them that I, the Sovereign Lord, am saying to them: I am going to put breath into you and bring you back to life.” Ezekiel 37:5 (GNT)

I love this story from the book of Ezekiel. If you ever get a chance, read about the Valley of Dry Bones. It’s an amazing testimony of God’s power.

When the prophet Ezekiel looks into the valley, all he can see are bones—dry and dusty, a symbol of total annihilation. There is nothing on those bones—no rotting flesh or hungry flies—they have been picked clean by death and time. When God asks Ezekiel if those dead bones can live again, all Ezekiel can say is: “Only you know that.”

What God tells Ezekiel next is amazing. He tells him, “Prophesy to these bones! Tell them the Sovereign Lord will put breath into them and make them come back to life.” So, as Ezekiel tells those dry bones the direct Word of God, he witnesses the impossible. The bones begin coming to life!

If you’re feeling a lot like those dry bones in the valley, I want you to know that God can raise you from the dead, too. Prophesy to those bones! Tell that sickness who’s your King, laugh in the face of your depression, dance and praise the Lord even if a part of you feels dead!

The God you serve is a Prophet of dry bones. He can bring to life what used to be slain.

March 24 – Refresh Your Soul

“He makes me lie down in green pastures, he leads me beside quiet waters, he refreshes my soul.” Psalm 23:2 (NIV)

Toes in the sand, the sound of crashing waves in the distance, a strawberry daiquiri in hand … How many of you are dreaming of vacation right now? Maybe a weeklong trip to the Bahamas? Or Mexico? Or ANYWHERE that’s sunny and peaceful and not full of stress?

I feel for you!

As we head into April, life is in full swing. Spring is here, and with it, Daylight Savings Time, midterms, and tax season. We are in the MIDST of busy. And because we’re so busy, it’s easy to forget the simple things like breathing and sleeping!

If you’re stressing right now or holding onto any kind of negativity, allow Psalm 23 to be your guide. Let the Lord lead you into a place of peace; let Him refresh your soul. Souls can get so full of junk that it leads to all kinds of nasty things: anxiety, depression, and even physical illnesses like the cold and flu.

I know you’re a single parent. I know you’re a boss. I know you’re a supervisor with a lot on your plate. I know you’re a student with exams and homework and a part-time job. But… just for a moment… could you maybe take a chill pill? The world isn’t going to end just because you decided to rest.

Whether you decide to seek solace by taking the day off or spending some quiet time in your prayer closet, let the Lord restore your soul. He wants to comfort you and recharge those old, dusty batteries. You know you need it!

March 23 – The Straying Sheep

“All of us like sheep have gone astray, we have turned, each one, to his own way; but the Lord has caused the wickedness of us all [our sin, our injustice, our wrongdoing] to fall on Him [instead of us].” Isaiah 53:6 (AMP)

 Have you ever strayed? Took your own path? Said “forget it” to wherever the Lord was taking you?

I have! At one point in my life, it seemed like religion stopped working for me. I was desperate for help, but every time I prayed, it felt like God was nowhere to be found. ‘Where is He? Can He hear me?’ I wondered. His absence in my life frustrated me so much that I abandoned Him.

Like a sheep gone astray, I decided my way was better. I didn’t have the patience to wait around for a God who was silent and unmoving!

Unfortunately, I could have avoided a lot of heartbreak and turmoil if I had just let the Shepherd guide me. Turns out, we can get ourselves into a lot of trouble when we think we know better than Him. Without His guidance and wisdom, I made many mistakes and had to learn lessons the hard way.

I want you to know that it’s okay if you’ve strayed. It’s okay if you’ve ditched the Shepherd. We all have! Isaiah 53:6 says that “all of us” have turned away. However, despite our disloyalty towards the Good Shepherd, He continues to love us. He continues to take all of our sins and wrongdoings upon Himself, laying down His life for His sheep (His beloved children).

My dear friends, the Shepherd is calling you home! He wants to take care of you. He wants to lead you by still waters and make you lie down in green pastures (Psalm 23:2). Don’t run from Him, run to Him.

March 22 – Appetite for a New Life

“Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be filled.” Matthew 5:6 (NIV)

 If you want a new life—a life of peace, abundance, and joy—you need to be hungry for it. You need to be thirsty for it. You can’t just kinda want it, or maybe sometimes want it. Your desire for a new identity in Christ must be all consuming! Like a storm that keeps on raging, or a fire that keeps on burning, your appetite for a new life must continue to grow in intensity and depth.

In Matthew 5:6, Jesus says that those who crave His righteousness will be filled. When God sees your hunger and thirst for a new life, He promises that your needs and desires will be met. That means if you want a new life badly enough, you’ll be guaranteed one!

So, how badly do you want it?

Although it’s normal to feel “off and on” in your relationship with Christ, you must always have a genuine hunger for Him through the peaks and valleys of life. There have been times in my walk with Jesus when I was on fire for Him, and times in my life when I’ve struggled to praise Him at all. However, one thing has remained—

“Jesus, I want You. Jesus, change my heart.”

I can tell you without a doubt that if you want a new life, it’s waiting for you. It’s BEEN waiting. All you need to do is work up an appetite for it.